HIVE Advisory Board

I am a serial founder, business angel, advisor and business consultant believing in growth by creating, learning, exploring, persevering and foremost by helping others.
Dr. Axel Brunn | HIVE Strategy and Communication Advisor
As an early-stage investor and advisor, I have the privilege of seeing and evaluating new venture ideas on a daily basis. A clear selection strategy is therefore a fundamental prerequisite for sustainable portfolio success.
My selection strategy is based on three key factors: the existence of sustainable value potential, a stringent business model/plan that shows how this potential can be achieved, and an experienced, field-tested founding team.
With HIVE, it was quickly clear to me that this was an exceptional venture that immediately excited me in each of these dimensions. HIVE’s positioning as a cross-application base-layer ecosystem for the commercialized use of autonomous drone systems offers a unique opportunity: HIVE is a true first mover in the highly attractive market segment and megatrend of autonomous drones.
The system has the potential to automate labor-intensive, repetitive and error-prone tasks across a wide range of industries and use cases.
The founding team also made a lasting impression on me with their extensive know-how and expertise, as well as a high level of experience in building and scaling a tech startup.
This led to my fastest ever commitment to an Advisory position, which has been rewarded with very regular, intense and productive interactions with the founding team since I joined. I am very happy to be part of the team and the vision of HIVE.

Dr. Pinzinger Corporate Finance stands for the valuation of medium-sized companies in all phases of the company life cycle, especially during foundation, financing and succession. Our consulting approach is strictly value-oriented. Especially companies that are at the beginning of a promising path, we sensitise for an efficient use of the resources at their disposal, lean corporate structures, unconditional cost flexibility and the long-term added value of a broad view.
Dr Peter Pinzinger | HIVE Financial Strategy Advisor
The business model of HIVE Systems GmbH is convincing from the point of view of risk control as well as from the point of view of multiple opportunities for long-term value-oriented corporate growth.
Well-proven methods of aerospace technology enter into a promising symbiosis with the possibilities of the Internet of Things, which appears in novel, practically fully automated security services. The isolated coexistence of honeycomb, drone, battery exchange system, data acquisition and data processing, as well as the visionary combination of these elements, allow for a modular approach and a strict focus on core competencies.
The very pleasing development of the company and the lively customer interest, also and in particular from the sector of private and public infrastructure companies, herald a great future, which is already casting its shadow dimly ahead today: In its highest level of integration, the HIVE system promises to open up and make usable areas of the data and risk map that were previously thought to be permanently white for cost reasons, be it for the optimisation of production processes, be it for the provision of temporary services, be it as part of the infrastructure itself. The sky is the limit for conceivable applications, in the true sense of the word.
The committed team around the two founders Tristan Scheler and Jan Suk follows this ambitious mission statement day after day, courageous step, determined action and far-sighted view, but above all consistently value-oriented.
We are happy to be at the company’s disposal as financial advisors in all questions of its financing strategy, thank them for the mandate as well as for their receptiveness to our mentoring and look forward to an exciting future.
About Dr Peter Pinzinger
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Drone Hive Systems SAS
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